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WORKCEET presents – Short Stories in English.
These short stories are inspired by real life and help children develop moral values related to everyday situations. The stories revolve around real-life experiences, aiding children in building good habits within their environment. These short stories in Hindi are educational, inspiring, and fun, adding a new dimension to a child’s life.
The stories also help children gain new experiences and serve as an excellent way to teach language in an engaging manner. Through these stories, children can easily learn values that contribute to building a better future.
Stories are an integral part of human life. They are not just a source of entertainment but also a powerful medium for understanding and learning about life. Stories connect us to our culture, traditions, and values.
The tradition of storytelling has existed since ancient times. Stories play a vital role in the moral and social development of children. They teach them the difference between right and wrong and nurture their imagination.
Stories are not only important for children but also serve as a source of inspiration for adults. They present life’s experiences, challenges, and struggles in an engaging way. Stories give us hope and motivation during difficult times in life.
आप इन Short Stories in English को PDF में भी डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं ।
1. Brave Pari

There was a girl named Pari. One day, she was going to her friend’s house. Suddenly, she saw a dog. Pari got scared. She looked around, but no one was there. Pari decide d to be brave and not afraid.
The dog started coming closer. Pari stayed quiet and kept walking forward. The dog sniffed her and wagged its tail. Pari realized that the dog would not harm her because it was happy. She remembered her father saying, “A dog wags its tail when it is happy.”
Now, Pari walked ahead without fear, and the dog followed her. Soon, she reached her friend Neena’s house. Pari told Neena the story of her bravery.
2. What’s there to be ashamed of?
Mohan was studying in class 2. He was very shy. He had a friend named Dinesh, who also studied in the same class. They both talked a lot. One day, they were having an exam. Dinesh was sitting next to Mohan. Mohan started feeling the urge to go to the bathroom. He tried very hard to hold it in, but the pain kept increasing. He quietly told Dinesh, and Dinesh suggested he tell the teacher. The teacher noticed them talking and scolded them, saying, “Dinesh-Mohan, no talking!” But Mohan’s pain kept increasing, and he couldn’t tell the teacher. Finally, just as he was about to tell her, his pants got soiled. All the children started laughing loudly. The teacher asked, “What happened, Mohan?” Mohan told her everything. The teacher explained to the children, saying, “What’s there to laugh about? Everyone can need the toilet or feel sick anytime. There is no shame in saying it. Both kids and adults go to the toilet, and sometimes, because of an upset stomach, one may need to go several times a day. There’s no shame in talking about it.” Mohan and the other children understood this very well.
3. Friendship with Darkness
In a small village, there lived a little boy named Rohan who was very scared of the dark. As soon as night fell, he would run to his mother out of fear.
One day, Rohan’s grandmother called him and said, “Rohan, do you know that darkness can be your storytelling friend?”
Rohan curiously asked, “Darkness and a friend? How is that, Grandma?”
His grandmother smiled and replied, “When everything becomes quiet and darkness surrounds us, the moon and stars come out to show us that there’s always light hidden behind the dark. If you close your eyes and listen carefully, the breeze and the rustling leaves will tell you their stories.”
That night, Rohan gathered his courage and stayed alone in the dark. He closed his eyes and listened. He heard the gentle sound of the wind, which seemed to say, “Don’t be afraid, I’m here with you.” The leaves rustled softly and added, “We’re singing a lullaby for you.”
4. Theft – Bad Habit
Vikas and Aman were good friends. One day, they were working in their classroom when Aman stepped out to use the washroom. While Aman was away, Vikas decided to hide his new pencil.
When Aman returned and couldn’t find his pencil, he asked Vikas about it. Vikas lied and said, “I don’t have it.” Aman became upset because he knew his mother would scold him for losing the pencil. Trying to figure out what happened, Aman asked, “Did you take the pencil to the washroom by mistake?” Aman replied, “No, I left it right here.”
Aman decided to tell the teacher about the missing pencil. The teacher started checking the bags of students sitting near Aman. Just as it was Aman’s turn, the school bell rang for dismissal. Since the pencil wasn’t found, the teacher asked Aman to bring a new pencil the next day.
As Vikas and Aman were walking home, Aman’s eyes filled with tears. He was worried about getting scolded by his mother. Vikas felt very bad for what he had done. He said, “Aman, I need to tell you something, but promise you won’t tell anyone.”
Aman nodded and said, “Okay, I won’t. What is it?”
Vikas admitted, “I was the one who hid your pencil. Here it is. Please don’t tell anyone. I shouldn’t have done it.”
Aman replied, “Alright, I won’t tell anyone, but only if you promise never to steal or lie again.” Vikas agreed, and from that day on, he never stole or lied again. His friendship with Aman grew even stronger.
5. Remeber Personal Things
Aman went to the fair with his family. The fair was very crowded. He was holding his brother’s hand tightly, but due to the crowd, they got separated. Aman was scared and couldn’t find anyone after looking ahead. His family started searching for him.
Aman didn’t know what to do and began calling out, “Mommy! Mommy!” loudly, but the fair was too noisy. Then, he noticed a policeman nearby. Aman gathered courage and explained everything to him. The policeman asked for his family’s phone number, but Aman couldn’t recall any. When asked for his home address, Aman didn’t remember it clearly either.
The policeman kindly explained that if Aman knew such information, he could reunite with his family quickly. Then, the policeman took Aman to the fair’s help desk and made an announcement using a loudspeaker. After some time, Aman’s family heard the announcement and came to the help desk. They hugged Aman joyfully, and everything was fine again.
It’s important to remember basic information about your family and address.
6. Irfan’s honesty
Irfan went to a shop with his friend Sahil to buy a notebook. The shop was busy. The shopkeeper gave him a notebook for 30 rupees. Irfan gave the shopkeeper 50 rupees, but the shopkeeper returned 70 rupees by mistake. Irfan was confused but noticed the shopkeeper was busy with other customers.
Outside the shop, Irfan told Sahil about it. Sahil was excited and said, “Wow, that’s lucky! Maybe the shopkeeper thought you gave him 100 rupees. Let’s use this money to buy something to eat.” But Irfan felt bad and said, “We should never keep someone’s hard-earned money, even by mistake.”
Sahil asked, “What should we do then?” Irfan took Sahil back to the shop. He explained the mistake to the shopkeeper and returned the extra money. The shopkeeper was very happy and gave them each a pencil as a reward. Both friends went home feeling very happy.
7. Meena’s Proud
Meena was a student in Class 5. She always came first in her class and was very proud of it. She often complained to the teacher about small issues, causing other children to get scolded or punished. She enjoyed doing this.
The only person better than her in drawing was Deepak, who lived in her neighborhood. Meena didn’t like him for this. One day, there was a drawing competition. Deepak was sitting next to her, making a drawing that turned out better than Meena’s. Seeing this, Meena became annoyed. She pretended to fall and spilled colors on Deepak’s drawing. Deepak felt very bad, but Meena apologized, and he forgave her.
The next day, Meena accidentally fell down the stairs at home and broke her leg. The doctor advised her not to go to school for a month. Deepak came to visit her at home and talked to her kindly. Meena said, “Exams are after a month. How will I pass?” Deepak reassured her, saying, “Don’t worry. I will help you with all the schoolwork.”
Hearing this, Meena felt very guilty about her actions. She started crying and confessed the truth about spoiling his drawing. Deepak said, “It’s okay, but don’t do such things to anyone else.” He helped Meena with her studies, and Meena again came first in the exams. From then on, Meena became friendly with everyone and lived happily.
8. The Stranger’s Greed
Riya loved chocolates. One day, she was playing in the street with her friends when a man came in a car. He asked all the children, “Who likes chocolates?”
Everyone said yes. He then said, “Come to my car, I have lots of chocolates.” Except for Riya, no one went near the car. As soon as Riya got into the car, she asked, “Uncle, where are the chocolates?”
The man said they were at his house. When Riya refused to go, he quickly locked the door and started the car. Riya screamed loudly. Hearing her cries, a neighbor uncle came running. He stopped the car and questioned the man.
It turned out that the man was a thief. Together, everyone handed him over to the police.
9. Monu’s Habit
Monu was 10 years old and loved dancing. He was the best dancer in his school. However, he had a habit of keeping his room messy. Clothes and toys were always scattered everywhere, and he never kept them in the right place. Even though his mother repeatedly asked him to clean up, he didn’t listen.
One day, there was a dance competition at his school. Monu was very excited. On the day of the competition, he woke up early, took a quick bath, and threw the towel on the floor. After getting ready, as he was about to leave, his foot got tangled in the towel, and he fell hard on the floor.
He hurt his shoulder and cried out in pain. His family rushed to him and took him to the clinic. The doctor said his shoulder bone was dislocated and needed to be plastered. Monu couldn’t participate in the competition anymore.
Monu felt very bad about his habit. From that day onwards, he started putting everything back in its proper place after using it.
10. Rahul’s Kindness
Rahul was a kind-hearted boy who loved helping others. One day, while walking home from school, he saw an old man sitting by the roadside. The man looked tired, hungry, and his clothes were torn. Rahul approached him and asked gently, “Are you okay, uncle?”
The man replied, “I haven’t eaten for two days, son. I have no money and no one to help me.”
Rahul felt sad. He thought for a moment and decided to help. He ran to a nearby shop and bought some food and water with the little pocket money he had saved. He returned to the old man and handed him the food.
The man’s eyes filled with tears. “Thank you, my child. You are very kind,” he said with a smile.
Rahul didn’t stop there. He went home and told his parents about the old man. His parents were proud of his compassion and gave him some old clothes and a blanket to give to the man. Rahul happily took them to the old man.
The man blessed Rahul, saying, “May you always be happy and successful in life.”
From that day, Rahul decided to always help those in need whenever he could.
Thank You
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